Having been in action since 2015, Tapas foundation is a compact organization dedicated to the goal of working for the betterment of society by amplifying the voices of those at the receiving end of any form of social injustice. 


+91 88713 06949

E-346, Minal Residency, J.K. Road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. 462023


In a collaborative drive to ensure road safety, Tapas Foundation along with Confederation of Indian
Industry(CII), Young Indians & Yi Bhopal conducted a Road Safety Awareness Campaign in Bhopal,
Madhya Pradesh. We inaugurated the campaign by taking over the road through a Bike Rally where 40
riders came along in their gear and glory to spread the message of road safety. We collaborated with
Bhopal Riders Community for the rally.

With the support of IEHE NSS Bhopal, we performed 10 street plays on road safety in Bhopal city and
Adampur Chhawani. Street play has always been a great medium for us to connect with the public. As a
part of the campaign, we created awareness about sensible honking in and near 15 hospital premises in
Bhopal. We also hosted an awareness session for ISBT bus and highway truck drivers on various safety
measures that they should always follow.

Team Tapas also engaged with children during the campaign but on a more colourful note – through
drawing and quiz competitions. We covered 15 schools in the city and screened a short film – Chota Cop
for the students which is based on road safety. With Foster For Furrballs, an organisation working for
animal welfare, we ensured the safety of stray cattle who are often the victims of road accidents,
especially during the night. We did a radium strip drive to cover their horns with neon reflective bands
which will make them visible during the night and protect them from any unforeseen accidents.
It was a very fulfilling and effective campaign where we came together to ensure road safety. We want
to thank our collaborative partners – We Care, Young Indians Bhopal, Bhopal Riders Community, IEHE
NSS Bhopal, Foster For Furrballs and Mayank Kapoor for their generous contribution that made this
campaign a great success.

Round Table India Campaign

When Plato said ignorance is the root of every evil, I don’t think it meant to include the systemic gaps that lead to this ignorance. Often, in a country such as India, which is plagued by many social and health issues, there is as much a problem of lack of awareness, as there is of misinformation.

At Tapas foundation, we believe that ‘awareness is the first step to social reform’.

In keeping with this, on November 22 and 23, Tapas foundation in collaboration with Round Table India & BRT-257, organised a social awareness campaign.

The campaign was personally led by our founder, Vipul Singh, who is known for his prowess over the medium of street play. With a world record for street plays to his name, Vipul is an effective communicator, who has been motivated from a very young age to bring about change t the grassroot level.

With the way Covid-19 has amplified how interconnected all social evils are, the campaign aimed at creating awareness on multiple issues, some perennial, some new.

DAY 1 – November 22, 2020

On the first day, the main area of activity was in Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh. The primary medium of interaction was through street play. The information shared spread across various issues such as the importance of education, environment conservation and the need for reducing plastic consumption for a greener planet.

Additionally, the tapas team spoke about the impact of Covid-19 and shared information on the necessary precautions that could help save many lives!

The street play was a major hit and was performed at various locations and it was very well received. Approximately 1000 people were reached through the initiative. The areas covered included 10 No., Kolar Road, Nehru Nagar, Karond and Bhanpur.

DAY 2 – November 23, 2020

On the second day of the campaign, team Tapas travelled to the Ratibad Village of Madhya Pradesh. They did a tremendous job captivating and educating people about certain issues that are burning issues, but are seldom talked of because of taboo and stigma. Street play is a great tool to break stigma around certain topic.

Consequently, the team performed street plays on the issue of

  1. Human/Child Trafficking, to create awareness on how little children and adults are used as a medium to smuggle drugs, weapons and organs in the society and why families should be more careful and discuss the threat with their children more often;
  2. Girl child trafficking, to talk about how little girls are trapped into the dark world of prostitution and are exploited for life. We also discussed good touch/bad touch and why it is very important, to be frank with our children and discuss these threats openly. We also highlighted that in case of any suspicious activity, one must immediately call on child helpline number – 1098
  3. Covid-19 and its impact – As the third wave hits the nation, the general public is not as conscious about the deadly virus as before. Therefore, we at Tapas took the initiative to talk about the impact of Covid-19 in the current situation and discussed the importance of precautionary habits among us all.

On the 2nd day, the tapas team effectively engaged with close to 400 people. The areas covered included Amla, Semri, Sikandarabad, Rasuliya and Ratibad.

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