Project Manzar

The COVID-19 pandemic took the entire world by storm and its effects have been crippling even for the best of economies.
With the informal sector making up for a large portion of the Indian economy, the informal and daily wage workers were the hardest hit by the COVID-19 induced lockdowns in the country.

With no secure source of income, uncertain living arrangements and little savings, the poor and the marginalized were the worst affected by the pandemic. What ensued was a long struggle of migration, hunger, and loss.
In these troubled times, governments and organizations stepped up their relief projects to cater to those worst affected. Tapas Foundation joined hands with AIESEC in Delhi IIT, a youth-led organization, to provide relief in the form of ration kits to the residents of Nehru Basti in Delhi.

A month-long crowdfunding initiative was set up, after the completion of which, ration kits of necessary household edibles were prepared and distributed among the residents of Nehru Basti on 23rd June, 2020 along with data collection to measure the impact of the relief work.
Tapas Foundation, with its team of workers and volunteers worked all day making sure that those in the most need were able to get access to the kits that would help them in these difficult and uncertain times.

Keeping in mind the dangerous nature of the situation, all team members and volunteers followed strict social distancing and sanitation guidelines making sure to limit physical contact while doing their best to cater to the people of the Basti.
The drive was a success, with the impact reaching over 550 families with ration kits to keep them fed while tackling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.